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This image shows the Three Outpourings into the planes of evolution from the book "The Jewel in the Lotus". |

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This colour chart helps you to understand some of the lectures dealing with the planes of this universe, especially "White Magic Applied". It also can be found in Dr. Baker's book "Beyond the Intellect", page 77 of the 1979 edition, the chapter titled "Blending of Life... |

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This free Astrological Chart helps you to understand the material presented in the lecture "A Ray Analysis", Stock # 3073P |

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This chart shows the astrological signs, rulers and associated glyphs. |

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This free chart of the Bach Flower Remedies complements several of Dr. Baker's audio lectures, printed books, eBooks and DVDs covering Esoteric Healing. |

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This is the chart of the elements to complement the lecture Basic Astrology by Lawrence Benson (1018A) |

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For those of you who are reading the eBook Esoteric healing - Part 3 by Dr. Baker, these charts will be a handy reference. The book and many others are available in print in our bookstore and as eBook at Amazon and Apple's iTunes stores. The PDF file contains 8 charts. Print or save them to your... |

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This exciting magazine article explores Quantum Consciousness and "Finding Spirit in the Fabric of Space & Time" It complements lectures like "Quantum Physics and Super-giftedness" (Part # 4112S & 4113S) and others. |

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This chart of M.G. complements the Ray Analysis lecture by Dr Baker "Douglas Baker - Ray Analysis of WS", Part # 1001A |

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These are the various documents and drawings to support lecture "Oxygen - The Tool of Life", Part #s 4105S & 4106S |

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Doctor Baker discusses a traumatic early childhood memory and the psychological effect at the time. He discovers that highly integrated sophisticated psychological responses to the senses are possible at young ages. The possibility of pre-birth memories and prenatal maternal influences ... |

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This radio interview by Pat Collins for her program, Healing from the Heart was a part of the Body, Mind Spirit Show in Detroit. This interview covers a wide range of esoteric subjects including Dr. Baker views on esoteric healing, how it fits into the England at that time and how it works... |

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The show starts with a recording of a Rosemary Brown composition.. (English composer, pianist and spirit medium who claimed that dead composers dictated new musical works to her). Doctor Baker begins with a short autobiographical personal sketch. Then he touches on many topics like suicide,... |

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The topic of the interview is Astral Projection. It begins with Betty Moseley relating an incident that happened to her several years earlier which involved a bicycle accident and an out of body experience. Doctor Baker related his own and other celebrities and authorities on Out of Body... |