E-Journal (FREE)
INSCAPE, The Journal of Esoteric Science in PDF format.
Editor: Dr. Douglas M. Baker
Inscape represents the views of a worldwide group of students of Ancient Wisdom and Esoteric Knowledge. Its purpose is to provide a platform for the presentation of new information and alternative solutions to the problems facing humanity as we proceed into the Third Millennium.
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FEATURES IN ISSUE 1 The Eagle in Myth and Legend; Ray Psychology of the Right and Left Brain; Augments of Beauty; Science and the Etheric; Expressions of Laughter; Esoteric Politics; Shakespeare and the Out-of-Body Experience; I Remember Swami. Regulars: Editorial: When Kingdoms Overlap.... |

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FEATURES IN ISSUE 2 The Epicureans, The lure of the senses; The Role of Septenates and Dodecanates; Sexuality in the New Millennium; Immortality; What is Karma? Swamp Rat, A soul lost in the mud of matter; Nemesis, The esoteric significance of pain; The Tyger, The enigmatic magnificent creature;... |

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FEATURES IN ISSUE 3 Brain Research; Aromas & Odours, the esoteric significance; Ray Differentiation, Some finer points of ray analysis; Time Warps; The Problems of the Super-gifted; Sons of Necessity; Hope for the Super-gifted; Rudolf Diesel, Gifted Inventor; Danger Signals from Spiders;... |

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FEATURES IN ISSUE 4 The Scarab, Jewel of the Desert; The Inquisition; The Ankh, Symbol of immortality; Gold, The Esoteric Significance; The Salt of the Earth, The importance of salt; Symbols and their Mechanisms; Phillip II and his Cuboid Palace; The Energy Patterns of Shapes; Sacred... |

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FEATURES IN ISSUE 5 Divination, Ascertaining the Will of the Gods, The Land of Mesopotamia, Divination through Meditation; Fires of the Mind; The Myth of Prometheus; Who are the Masters?; The Neutrino, Tiniest particle may hold the key to Dark Matter; Hypnosis, Really does turn Red into White; The... |
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