
For eBooks see the links below.

For a complete list of English eBooks CLICK HERE

eBooks are available for immediate downloading and reading from Amazon, Apple's iTunes Stores and Google Books/Play. 

PLUS: Kobo (including Kobo Plus), Smashwords Store, Tolino, OverDrive, Bibliotheca, Scribd, Baker & Taylor, Hoopla, Vivlio, & BorrowBox. Many are available in nine European languages  

Between Apple's iTunes Stores, Google Books/Play and Amazon we are now offering our eBooks in over 246 countries.

Here are some sample links:

AMAZON:   USA Store UK Store  German Store 

APPLE iTunes:  Download iTunes (FREE) Click here to see the first eBook
Then click on "View in iTunes" and search for dr. douglas m. baker to see all of his eBooks.
MacBook users just open the iTunes application, "iTunes Store" & search for dr. douglas m. baker then click on "See All".


These eBooks are Text-to-Speech enabled for Kindle devices (except 1st Generation) and are available for Kindle, Kindle Fire, Kindle Touch, Kindle DX, Kindle (2nd Generation), Kindle (1st Generation), Kindle for PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, Nook, Android & BlackBerry and many other eBook readers.

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