Esoteric Psychology

Esoteric Psychology is one of the four branches of that great body of teachings called the Ancient Wisdom. It describes the nature of Man`s Soul and Personality and the relationship between them, and how one can adapt the Personality to best express the specific intent and purpose of the Soul. Esoteric Psychology is also referred to as the Psychology of the Soul, the Psychology of the Seven Rays and the Science of the Antahkarana.

The Psychology of the Soul
By definition, psychology is the science of the soul - psyche is the soul, and -ology is science, but in practice it has all but completely ignored any existence of an indwelling soul. Instead, psychology had focused almost exclusively on the outermost manifestation of an individual: on the behaviour. Mainstream psychology says that the human personality is the product of its heredity and environment.

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A Ray Analysis $1.90

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A Ray Analysis

How can knowledge gleaned from specific lectures about each of the seven rays assist our understanding of an individuals psychology? Find out as Dr. Baker demonstrates the process of ray analysis through this probing interview.  Utilizing weighted questions that establish the interviewees...
Apprenticeship Complex - Esoteric Significance $1.90

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Apprenticeship Complex - Esoteric Significance

In this profound and wide-ranging lecture, Dr. Baker connects Astrology & Reincarnation to a persons existing psychological complex. He discusses a wide range of psychological phenomena from an esoteric perspective including schizophrenia. This is a very psychology-oriented lecture that gives...
Archetypes $1.90

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Archetypes are part of the collective unconscious of humanity.  Regions of the unconscious tend to express themselves through archetypal patterns. Dr. Baker discusses the psychology of archetypes and suggests meditation as a technique for accessing these archetypes. (70 min) Additional topics...
Archetypes - How they work through you $1.90

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Archetypes - How they work through you

This second lecture explains the reservoirs of energy lying in the collective unconscious which express through us by association. The archetypes can restore balance in our lives during times of stress when situations seem impossible to cope with. Dr. Baker shows how to identify many of the more...
Archetypes and how they relate to the Rays $1.90

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Archetypes and how they relate to the Rays

Here Dr. Baker deepens our understanding of archetypes and the Seven Rays by describing archetypes as vehicles through which even subtler, more spiritual energies of the Rays are expressed. Through this profound relationship, the Rays guide the evolution of the human Soul through Its personality....
Bach Flower Remedies for Mental Health $1.90

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Bach Flower Remedies for Mental Health

Using his extensive education, experience, and compassion in healing, Dr. Baker addresses the sensitive issue of psychological upsets that may occur during spiritual unfoldment. He outlines in detail the warning signs and symptoms, and the specific Bach Flower Remedy that treats them. (71 min.)...
Compensation $1.90

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Doctor Baker unravels the complex psychological term 'compensation' and its relevance and importance to the Man on the Path in his inward journey.  Every thought, word and deed sets up in inward cycle in which the unconscious constantly returns flows of archetypal pattern energies.  These...
Dream Psychology - Part 1 $1.90

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Dream Psychology - Part 1

How do you gain the wisdom and memory of millions of years of human lives? Dr. Baker reveals that Mankind has always had a powerful source of inspiration, information about our personal problems, and guidance readily available in our dreams.  He begins by comparing the ideas of Carl Jung and...
Dream Psychology - Part 2 $1.90

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Dream Psychology - Part 2

It is vitally essential for a disciple to understand their dream life. In this lecture Dr. Baker covers the why, what and how of dreams, and talks about Freud versus Jung etc. He explains in detail how dreaming relates to various states of consciousness, the purpose of dreams and how we can take...
Dream Psychology - Part 3 $1.90

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Dream Psychology - Part 3

This lecture teaches you about archetypes and their meanings and how to use your spiritual diary as a meaningful tool to communicate with your soul. (57 min) Additional topics covered: archetypes, flowers, flower remedies, egoic lotus, emotive factors in dreams, the spiritual diary, hard work,...
Dream Psychology - Part 4 $1.90

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Dream Psychology - Part 4

In this lecture Dr. Baker gives you detailed analysis of the emotional and visual elements of dreams. He refers to a dream as being a blue print of our psyche, that is a meaningful entering into the collective unconscious that applies to your development. (52 min.) Additional topics covered:...
Dreams Visions & Symbols $1.90

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Dreams Visions & Symbols

We all dream, but most of us fail to understand their underlying significance. For the spiritual person, however, dreams can provide invaluable guidance and access to the inner worlds. By drawing on his wide experience Dr. Baker elaborates on the structure of dreams, the mechanism by which symbols...
Ego Inflation & Alienation - Part 3 - Dream Psychology $1.90

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Ego Inflation & Alienation - Part 3 - Dream Psychology

In the first half we have Dr Baker giving clear and precise guidance on ego inflation and alienation which is crucial to the disciple on the Path in promoting a stable personality that is rounded out and integrated, thus opening the disciple to the guidance of the Masters. The second half covers...
Ego Inflation and Alienation $1.90

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Ego Inflation and Alienation

These two processes help us to round out the personality, and these processes are expressed in our biological and subtle bodies. The implications and effects of both are given in the conclusion of this talk. (60 min) Additional topics covered: Personality, ego, inflation, alienation, imagery,...

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