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In this lecture, Dr. Baker shares his own personal daily routine as a practicing Occultist, based upon many decades of experience on the spiritual path. Both White and Black Magic are clearly defined, leading to the shocking revelation that many black magicians exist, who are completely unaware... |
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In this wide-ranging and dynamic lecture, Dr. Baker teaches us the daunting preparatory requirements for the 3rd initiation, plus the tasks that the initiate must eventually perform , in association with the Monad. Examples of the lives of 3rd ray initiates, such as Blavatsky and Swedenborg, are... |
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Withdrawing within ourselves allows for rapid spiritual growth. This lecture explains effective withdrawal for spiritual growth through contact with the Higher Self. Through withdrawal techniques we can achieve wholeness, we can achieve completeness. Dr Baker directs us to turn our senses and... |
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Ultimately a method of contacting the higher Self and its kingdom, meditation results in our drawing into the aura increasing quantities of energy. Called Spiritual FIRE this energy is channeled to us through the use of symbols and images. Dr. Baker shows the importance of furnishing ourselves with... |
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Dr. Baker discusses alchemy and its central theme, Fire. Through spiritual practices and disciplines we can take the base metal of our personality and with spiritual fire can become the shining gold of the adept. Hypnosis, quantum physics and divine mathematics are discussed during this lecture.... |
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This is the first part of a 2-set lecture on Alchemy, or the transformative process by fire. Alchemy, which is one of the ancient wisdoms keys to self-unfoldment, is referenced by anecdotes from the life of Paracelsus. Doctor Baker gives illuminating examples of fire phenomenon to... |
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In this second part of his lecture on Alchemy, Doctor Baker stresses that fire is the central theme of alchemy. His use of example and anecdotes help the student understand the many layers of self-transformation possible using spiritual fire. The history of divine fire in the evolution... |
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One of the greatest services we can perform for Humanity is to participate in Full Moon meditations. In this succinct and powerful lecture, Dr. Baker uses the 1980 Capricorn Full Moon to illustrate a new approach that incorporates significant planetary factors, the dream life and the spiritual... |
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Dr. Baker teaches what the unconscious is and its construction during the evolution of the planet and of Man. We learn of the untold wealth of the unconscious with its hidden reservoirs of energy, and how it communicates with us through use of symbol or images. The unconscious or our higher selves... |
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In this lecture Dr. Baker describes Kundalini as a biological force and a power source. Dr Baker reveals how evolution can be sped up through Kundalini fire, achieving in that lifetime what would normally be spread over Many lives. The key to the arousal of Kundalini and the key to meditation have... |
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In this 1st of a series of 3 tapes, Dr. Baker discusses exactly what changes occur when one develops spiritually and what is needed to encourage this development. Meditation, discrimination and spiritual responsibility are some of the topics discussed. He uses the examples of indigenous people... |
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In this 2nd tape of 3, Dr. Baker discusses the difficulties of treading the Path and becoming a healer. When and how to heal and not to heal is a major topic in this tape. He even uses a personal failure to get the point across that we must not impose esoteric principles on someone. He discusses... |
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In the final segment of this 3-part lecture, Dr. Baker continues his discussion of the Thinking Cap and addresses the question, How do we become a good vehicle for Divine Expression? He warns that many yogic exercises are not appropriate and can even be dangerous for Westerners. He discusses also... |
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Dr. Baker discusses the very important states of hypnogogia and hypnopompia and explains why we should, as disciples, try to extend these periods between waking and sleeping. It is in these states that we become receptive and we may be able to hear the Voice of the Silence. (66 min) Additional... |