Spiritual Development

The lessons under this heading apply all seven pillars of Ancient Wisdom to your spiritual development. These lectures present you with a systematic approach to your Immortal Self and the Path Home.

Product Image Price- Item Name
Psychosynthesis & Integration - Part 1 $1.90

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Psychosynthesis & Integration - Part 1

What is psychosynthesis? And how is it relevant to spiritual development? Psychosynthesis entails the establishment of a reliable, stable personality, through the integration of the various elements of the individuals psyche. Dr. Baker explains the importance of psychosynthesis as a foundation for...
Psychosynthesis & Integration - Part 2 $1.90

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Psychosynthesis & Integration - Part 2

Dr. Baker continues his exposition of psychosynthesis, emphasising the necessity for personality integration in enabling the conduction of extra-systemic spiritual forces encountered by the disciple on the Path. He discusses the relevance of dis-identification from the lower bodies, and describes...
Psychosynthesis and Divine Physiognomy $1.90

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Psychosynthesis and Divine Physiognomy

In a very understandable way, Dr. Baker teaches that treading the Path does not mean destroying the old personality but synthesizing it with more and right qualities. You will learn the pros and cons of mental, emotional and physical attitudes and actions as well as an explanation of the divine...
Qualities of Ashramic Life $1.90

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Qualities of Ashramic Life

Dr. Baker intimately communicates some of the more unusual and unrecognised aspects of living the spiritual life. He relates how enthusiasm can be seen as a sign of the close proximity of the soul to the personality, and how, if we are to tread the path of spiritual unfoldment, we must learn...
Quo Vadis - Where do we go from here - Meditation $1.90

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Quo Vadis - Where do we go from here - Meditation

Meditation is a practice upon which we can build our spiritual lives. Discover the techniques Dr. Baker describes leading us to seek the Truth and begin to build the antakarana to the Higher Self. Enter the world of symbols as you listen to this lecture. (43 min) Additional topics covered: ...
Science of Meditation $1.90

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Science of Meditation

Meditation is the language of communication between the higher and lower kingdoms. The characteristics of meditation and the purpose of it are revealed in this lecture. Dr. Baker explains how we can begin to achieve results by slowing the mind. (56 min) Additional topics covered: Ancient wisdom,...
Seating Oneself for Meditation $1.90

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Seating Oneself for Meditation

For those disciples on the most common Rays, this teaches you how to best prepare and enhance your meditation environment. You will gain valuable information on how long to meditate to the use of incense, sound, colours and pictures. (67 min) Additional topics covered: a room of ones own, negative...
Semantics of Buddhi & Susan Hatton $1.90

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Semantics of Buddhi & Susan Hatton

In this fascinating lecture by Dr. Douglas Baker, he explains the importance of the relationship of words to thoughts and how it relates to Buddhi. He begins with the first spark of the Divine, the Monad, and goes into our emergence through the descending arc into density and then up the ascending...
Sex and Celibacy $1.90

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Sex and Celibacy

Discipleship is an energising process. This energy seeks expression in whatever way possible, and in the early stages, frequently through chakras below the diaphragm, in particular the sacral centre, responsible for sexual activity. It is inevitable, therefore, that at some time or other a disciple...
Signposts on the Path of Spiritual Unfoldment $1.90

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Signposts on the Path of Spiritual Unfoldment

For those of us who consciously choose to undertake the perilous task of treading the Path of discipleship there are a series of signposts which help to guide us; they mark points of attainment along the way. In this lecture Dr. Baker describes these signposts and how we can recognise them. He...
Spiritual Frontiers & Meditation - Part 3 $1.90

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Spiritual Frontiers & Meditation - Part 3

Third of a four-part lecture Doctor Baker delivered in Perth Australia in 1996. Doctor Baker continues with his exploration of human consciousness and the origins of our archetypes and patterns. He reaffirms that we are not a planetary entity but a solar entity and that our eventual home is not the...
Spiritual Frontiers & Meditation Part 1 $1.90

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Spiritual Frontiers & Meditation Part 1

First of a four-part lecture Doctor Baker delivered in Perth Australia in 1996. What are the responsibilities of man on the path when he stands on the spiritual frontiers? As Above So Below is the spiritual maxim he can use to navigate the archetypal energies that flood through his bodies. How...
Spiritual Frontiers & Meditation Part 2 $1.90

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Spiritual Frontiers & Meditation Part 2

Second of a four-part lecture Doctor Baker delivered in Perth Australia in 1996. When you are on the spiritual frontier, there are new rules and guidelines and Doctor Baker is an expert on giving advice for the borders of life. How does one more vertically or horizontally into the spiritual worlds?...
Spiritual Frontiers & Meditation Part 4 $1.90

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Spiritual Frontiers & Meditation Part 4

Fourth of a four-part lecture Doctor Baker delivered in Perth Australia in 1996. Doctor Baker rounds out this set of lectures by focusing on the work of spiritual evolution via psychosynthesis and the spiritual disciplines. He talks of the tyranny of the mind and the method of bypassing the minds...

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