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This is one of Dr. Baker's most direct, striking, yet intimate lectures. He shows why there are no short cuts to the Kingdom of Heaven, and why the codes of conduct required to tread the Path are very different to those required in ordinary life. Dr. Baker discusses the art of putting questions to... |
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Annually, over 26,000 suicides occur in the USA alone. Dr. Baker describes the 5 major reasons for suicides and the exoteric and esoteric implications. Learn what symptoms to look out for and the people most likely to commit suicide. Esoteric healers and all who care will gain valuable information... |
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This lecture deals with the matter of short-circuiting our spiritual evolution and taking the hardest path of all - that which climbs the sheer face of the mountain of initiation. The higher we go the greater our responsibility, and the greater is the need to open progressively and uniformly the... |
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Doctor Baker throws light on the misunderstood subject of the rise of Kundalini in response to Fohat fire from above. He lists the signs and symptoms that can occur in both the man on the path and the average man. He provides remedies for some of the difficulties like fatigue and effects on the... |
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What is a temple of initiation? Dr. Baker explores the role of the Temple in Initiation, explaining how it concentrates and produces the right conditions for the influx of the triple forces involved in Initiation: life, consciousness, and extra-systemic force from Sirius. He discusses ways in which... |
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Dr. Baker explains the antahkarana as being a well-established organelle through which understanding of the soul is achieved. It is the bridge between Lower and Higher Manas. (58 min) Additional topics covered: evolution, planetary scheme, soul ray, antahkarana, meditation, organelles, energy, h... |
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The apprenticeship complex is a very strong psychological complex related to the esoteric. Through his expert application of esoteric astrology and the psychology of the seven rays in this lecture, Dr. Baker expands our understanding of the apprenticeship complex and its implications for Soul... |
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In this fascinating lecture Dr Baker discusses brain anatomy and development, before going on to relate the story of Jack and the beanstalk, as an analogy of mans spiritual quest. The man who seeks spiritual development ascends vertically to explore the spiritual worlds, where one must first face... |
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Dr Baker continues his discussion on this most important subject for all aspirants, that of the Dweller on the threshold. Focusing on the importance of meditation and what is required to achieve the ability to meditate. Dr Baker describes meditation in modern and easy to understand language.... |
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Revered through the ages by poets, philosophers and the average working person, the heart has connections with the Infinite, from its muscular tubules right through to the Monad. In this thoughtful lecture on the heart, Dr. Baker encompasses innate heart qualities such as grief, and... |
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Dr. Baker discusses mans causal body; the higher triad comprised of Atma, Buddhi and Manas, and explains how it acts as a reservoir of qualities and spiritual energies that can be drawn upon for our spiritual endeavours. Dr. Baker also answers questions and leads a discussion on sex,... |
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Within us is an immortal being, the soul, intent on its own evolution through the process of reincarnation. Children often have a greater intuitive understanding of the nature of this being than adults. In this lecture Dr. Baker shows, through the analogy of the flower, how we can all gain this... |
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Throughout countless incarnations the higher Self prevails, gradually and progressively unfolding. As the process proceeds it becomes increasingly aware of its personality vehicles and attempts to influence and guide its lower self. It is able to infuse us with meaning, purpose and direction. This... |
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The Western mind does poorly at meditation, a key for accessing the higher kingdoms. Through stimulating chakras (receptors for taking in and expressing energy) man reaches the inexhaustible reservoirs of energy that are the Imprisoned Splendour. Dr. Baker explains how the chakras can be identified... |