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This extremely informative lecture covers many aspects of alcoholism. It explains how alcohol was used in ancient rituals and its symbolism, its use, misuse and consequences today. Learn about esoteric and exoteric treatments, flower remedies and healing via the soul. Dr. Baker speaks about... |
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The ecstasy experience helps us to bear the increased stress of having to stand on our own and take on both worlds at once in discipleship. Dr Baker describes this inward experience of reward which changes us for all time and shows how the vagus nerve is the physiological instrument which registers... |
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In this lecture, Mark Weight describes pain from a spiritual and esoteric perspective, and explores the subject from a variety of different angles. He reveals the ambiguous nature of pain and how it is inextricably bound up with pleasure. You will learn about the necessity of pain from both the... |
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This lecture goes into depth concerning aspects of esoteric healing of diseases that stem from the emotional and mental bodies levels. Dr Baker explains how it is shown to have an influence in Mans spiritual growth and in resolving of karma. Dr Baker explains the impact on the emotionally... |
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The lecture explains how the radiatory forces of atavistic experience from previous lifetimes can manifest in current life experience, as unconscious patterns of expression, disease and psychological behaviour. Atavism is discussed in relation to family diseases, sexuality, and childhood... |
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In this lecture Dr Baker looks at the subject of atavism, how past influences of previous lives impinge upon the present life. This is a little explored area in esoteric studies. He explores the atavistic influences of both Nations and Individuals, the role of the Permanent Atom, and the... |
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What is autism? How does it express in children? What parts of the brain are affected? Dr Baker describes autism as a syndrome, a collection of symptoms. Dr Baker describes the functional affects of the lobes of the brain as well as giving examples of the extraordinary talents of people with... |
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This lecture explains the various uses of the Bach Flower remedies. There are seven classifications of psychological conditions and emotional states described in the remedy diagnosis and treatment process. Each classification is discussed with the associated Bach Flowers specific to each condition.... |
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Are you hard on yourself when it comes to setting goals and targets? Or do you have trouble initiating your plans into action? Do you know someone who is easily shattered and crushed when things do not go well? Br Baker describes three flower remedies in this lecture, Red Chestnut, Cerato and... |
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Dr. Baker refers to magnetism as, "The beloved of the gods" and reminds us that the aura is magnetic. This informative and interesting lecture teaches the effects of natural and Man made magnetism and the rational behind radionics and magnetism in healing. You will also learn about biological... |
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Often referred to as the best lesson on magnetism this lecture focuses on Dr. Bakers important work with George de la Warr on Biomagnetism. The effects of magnetism on living beings and the chemical changes are well documented in their book, Biomagnetism. This lecture teaches you about the... |
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This workshop narration completes the first lecture Biomagnetism, - an Introduction to Magnetism & Radionics with a narrative by Dr. Baker of his demonstration of a Radionics machine and a demonstration of healing with magnetism. The Radionics method (stick pad and instrument that he... |
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When the Soul wishes to withdraw from its vehicles early dementia becomes clinically evident. The signs and symptoms of dementia are presented in this lecture as Dr. Baker explains the esoteric significance of this condition and mentions possible remedies for the patient. (61 min) Additional topics... |
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With discipleship comes increasing sensitivity to energies from within. The personality vehicles need to be finely balanced between inner and outer influences. This adjustment can result in an imbalance in the physical body, leading to pathological conditions which are referred to as diseases of... |