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Alcoholism - A Case Study Alcoholism - A Case Study
Part#: 6006
Price: $3.00
Alcoholism - A Case Study. This Astrology video lecture by Dr. Douglas M. Baker by interpreting the horoscope looks at the life of an alcoholic. It shows us how the main features of the life are
Alcoholism - Its Karma and Esoteric Basis Alcoholism - Its Karma and Esoteric Basis
Part#: 2022HA
Price: $1.90
This extremely informative lecture covers many aspects of alcoholism. It explains how alcohol was used in ancient rituals and its symbolism, its use, misuse and consequences today.  Learn about
Anatomy of Ecstasy Anatomy of Ecstasy
Part#: 2030HA
Price: $1.90
The ecstasy experience helps us to bear the increased stress of having to stand on our own and take on both worlds at once in discipleship. Dr Baker describes this inward experience of reward which
Anatomy of Pain - by Mark Weight Anatomy of Pain - by Mark Weight
Part#: 2002HA
Price: $1.90
In this lecture, Mark Weight describes pain from a spiritual and esoteric perspective, and explores the subject from a variety of different angles. He reveals the ambiguous nature of pain and how it
Angels Past and Present Angels Past and Present
Part#: 4201S
Price: $1.90
Doctor Baker gives a fascinating lecture about the history, substance and current status of Biblical Angels in relation to other deva forms.  Man is a creator and his past and future creations
Angels Workshop - Part 1 Angels Workshop - Part 1
Part#: 4034S
Price: $1.90
Introduction to the three-part workshop.  Fascination discussion of the ways angels complete and express themselves. The impacts of mans changing mental body on the quantity of and quality of
Angels Workshop - Part 2 Angels Workshop - Part 2
Part#: 4035S
Price: $1.90
Dr. Baker reveals the true meaning and symbolism of the Sphinx and the winged gods and symbols of the ancient world, like Pegasus and the Trojan horse He indicates the right conditions for angelic
Angels Workshop - Part 3 Angels Workshop - Part 3
Part#: 4036S
Price: $1.90
In this lecture, Dr. Baker gives us a wide-ranging discourse on the nature and functions of angelic beings. He also warns us about the dangers of areas like automatic writing and alcohol, where
Animal Karma - Evolution Animal Karma - Evolution
Part#: 4028S
Price: $1.90
In this lecture, Dr. Baker discusses a range of intriguing subjects including the karma of animals, the esoteric significance of flying saucers, individualisation, the stream of evolution within the
Anthropogeny - 1st Half Anthropogeny - 1st Half
Part#: 4008S
Price: $1.90
This is the subject regarding the unfoldment of man and its link with the unfoldment of the planet Earth. Man does not exist for man alone the principle of man underlies the forms of the globes and

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