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Astrology Rationale Astrology Rationale
Part#: 1005A-20A
Price: $1.90
In this lecture Dr. Baker discusses the importance of the moment of birth, the influence of the moon and the music of the spheres. (58 min) Additional topics covered: Sun, Moon, square aspects,
Astrology Seminar VI - Part 1 Astrology Seminar VI - Part 1
Part#: 1011A
Price: $1.90
  Intercepted signs are not uncommon in the horoscope but what do they mean? Dr Baker explains the significance and meaning of intercepted signs while giving numerous examples of parsing and
Astrology Seminar VI - Part 2 Astrology Seminar VI - Part 2
Part#: 1012A
Price: $1.90
In this lecture Dr Baker continues his explanation of Intercepted signs. Retrograde planets are also a significant feature in most horoscopes. The planets are considered subjects in the aspects we
Astrology Seminar VI - Part 3 Astrology Seminar VI - Part 3
Part#: 1013A
Price: $1.90
Dr. Baker continues giving examples of meanings for aspects found in the horoscope especially for the effects of retrograde planets. Dr Baker indicates ways to begin giving meaning to such
Astronomy and how it relates to Astrology by Joe Hayes Astronomy and how it relates to Astrology by Joe Hayes
Part#: 1003A
Price: $1.90
Doctor Bakers disciple Joe Hayes gives a detailed and pragmatic lecture on Esoteric Astrology versus astronomy. New understandings of the fast and slow moving planets as related to Soul purpose.
Atavism - How the Past Influences the Present Atavism - How the Past Influences the Present
Part#: 2050HA
Price: $1.90
The lecture explains how the radiatory forces of atavistic experience from previous lifetimes can manifest in current life experience, as unconscious patterns of expression, disease and psychological
Atavism and the Physical Permanent Atom Atavism and the Physical Permanent Atom
Part#: 2051HA
Price: $1.90
In this lecture Dr Baker looks at the subject of atavism, how past influences of previous lives impinge upon the present life. This is a little explored area in esoteric studies. He explores the
Atlantis Atlantis
Part#: 4029S
Price: $1.90
What are the origins of Atlanteans? What is the source of Atlantean islands geophysical threats? Fascinating new information released regarding the history of Atlantis, the dispersion of some of its
Atlantis - Its Esoteric Significance Atlantis - Its Esoteric Significance
Part#: 4100S
Price: $1.90
Did Atlantis really exist, and if so, where is the evidence? Dr. Baker presents his personal occult researches regarding the continent of Atlantis, which correspond with indications given by
Atlantis 2 - Focus and Use of Legends Atlantis 2 - Focus and Use of Legends
Part#: 4101S
Price: $1.90
In this lecture Dr. Baker ranges broadly across an array of loosely connected topics, including current geological evidence relevant to Atlantis, recommended approaches to occult research activities,

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