1st Part: Dr. Baker traces some of the stages and processes in the development of the human ego from the infant state, comparing the psychoanalytic viewpoints of Freud and Jung, and linking their work with understandings gained through esoteric wisdom. In doing so, he highlights the special significance of the permanent atom in esoteric psychology, through discussion of its role in determining the expressions of the libido in the individual.
Additional topics covered: antakarana, ego, id, self, archetype, personality, birth, sexuality, false sense of omnipotence, primary narcissism, oral stage, fascination, interjection, polyvalent germinal disposition, archetypes.
2nd Part: What are the archetypes? This lecture offers an invaluable esoteric interpretation of the most advanced Jungian and psychoanalytic thought of the day, as Dr. Baker discusses the function of the archetypes as instruments of the Planetary Logos for the fashioning of all that is, contextualising them within the esoteric construct of the seven rays. He explores the archetypes as creative forces that express themselves through plants, animals and gemstones, and through the artistic products and ideals of the individual. (Total 63 min)
Additional topics covered: permanent atom, Guptavidya, Blavatsky, Leadbeater, Bailey, blueprint of creation, parabrhamin, prakriti, parushia, dream analysis, symbology, ego, superego, id, personality, self.